Our next flight leaves in about two hours so we are just passing time. In our camera we have a 2GB memory card, and we keep a smaller one in the case to use if we ever need to. Out of boredom on the plane, I put in the smaller card to see if there was anything on it.
After being surprised by this:

When I look at this picture I think of how much our lives have all changed since then. Kelly and Jimmy now have a beautiful home and are getting married in July. Lainy and Joe got married a few months after this picture was taken. And Scott and Becca, who were a brand new couple when this picture was taken, are now engaged.
Then I came across this picture of my family. I don’t remember when it was taken, but we went tubing at Snow Creek and had such a fun day!

And then there were about a zillion pictures of our cat Oliver, who we had just gotten. He looks so small! Now he is bigger than both dogs. He trusted dogs in this picture- now he just wrestles with Hooch.

***Update: We’ve been sitting in a sports bar making small talk with a random stranger who works for CBS- we got to hear all about their fall line-up. He offered to pay for internet if we would let him use our computer- score!
LoL Sean looks stupid! I hope you guys have lots of fun!